Friday, December 10, 2010

Thoughts about Despair and other Morosities

“When you get to the end of the rope, tie a knot and swing” as the saying goes. If I may add proper background will help one to really tie a strong enough knot and not resort to knotting a noose. I kid you not, I plan to make a study about it, but I am sure that the mood one's playlist set affects the disposition of a person. So if you are sad, don't put on playlist 'early morn blues', don't listen to Lily Allen's song 'The Fear', do not even try to sing along Billy Holiday's rendition of 'Gloomy Sunday'. Instead put on happy songs like 'I Like to Move it', 'Shalala' or the likes of 'Happy'.

The problem of most people is that they embrace sadness. Blame the emongoloids who unwittingly and unshamefully pass off depression as a fad. If there is one thing great about sadness is that they keep people grounded on the the ugliness of people. The pointlessness of living that in a way makes people consider what is really important to them to waste away their life on. Unfortunately I do not own the pulpit on which I can lash on these eyeliner stricken nimrods, their foolishness of looking at sadness in a very drabby way.

I kid you not, I will go to the lengths of donning a habit, conjuring up the stance of a sterotypical friar, slicing the air with my zealous index finger, just to drive the err of these emo people.

Whenever people ask me about what makes me happy, I answer that nothing. I do not try to be happy per se, I am good with just realizing that I understand why I am happy or why I am sad. The lack of understanding of why I feel such is what drives me in despair. Sad makes me happy as long as I know why I am sad but happy makes me sad if the source of that happiness is an unknown. Yes, understanding is my comfort and at the same time my enemy. I envy/pity people who always say they understand. Simply because I do not understand them. I try to avoid them actually, not risking to have their pretensions to brush on me. This is the only time I will talk of understanding because in person it is just pointless to talk about it if no worthy fellow will spar with the concept. (and the snob in me is awake).

Another thing that irks me is when people say that one should feel better because there is always someone in deeper shit somewhere out there (people in Africa says who by the way). This non sequitur cycle of pinning down who sucks more makes me sick to my stomach. How can nature produce such a callous being that tramples on others despair just to make his seem better, as if they are in a contest? Our despair is ours alone to cherish and to battle. Leave other's despair. Don't gobble up on other's despair, you will have more of your dose sooner or later and when you do, I hope your neighbor will not say 'ha-ha' on your face.