Tuesday, May 3, 2011

near miss. near hit.

The title of this note was inspired by the late performance artist, stand-up comic, atheist, and one of the most intelligent person in the world -- George Carlin. His pieces on life, god and politics really appeal to me that my New Years resolution is about taking chances. Georgy said " Take a fucking chance will ya?" and I said aye.

digress mode:
Americans are very happy that they finally tasted vengeance with the death of Osama bin Laden. CNN, Fox and other news agencies reported another threat from the remaining allies of bin Laden, who vows retaliation. Culture of fear maintained, the media at the fore of perpetuation.

Carlin compared 'near miss' from 'near hit' as part of his piece on the bovine poo airline announcements give us. Though at this moment this near miss/hit is probably the best line (that I could come up of at this moment) that would describe how this day went.

The turmoil of our soul, of our body of our heart, of our mind, of our mind specially, to be satiated has always been the struggle for people who has the option, of believes in the illusion that they do have an option. I am one of these people, I know that options are constructs made to make us feel human and capable -- so that we just don't grab a knife to slit open our necks. Yes, I play along the notion that there is an option. What better way to induce this illusion if not by words, words whose syntax be manipulated will be a foolproof concoction of remedy for the soul.

George Carlin - Airline Announcements

bitter mode:
Cheating is genderless. You womanizing adulterer, stop fooling yourself that you are doing things out of love. You say now that you don't want to be a saint no more? What egotistic stupidity pill are you taking nowadays? People like you should just rot in hell, if ever such place does exist. I just can't help seeing your nonsensical yapping, so yes I will delete you as a friend, after you've seen this maybe. I hope that play thing you consider the vanguard of your manhood rot, just like your soul.

Words fascinate me though I am not in full command of them. To be frank I sometimes let them take control of me. To just flow in me and grip my veins. I am not afraid to say the wrong things, though I am always quick to make it right, or at least try. Wait, words are neither my master, because like option, like god, like freedom, like the Easter bunny, like love they are all just constructs.

so yeah, it was a near miss today. but thanks to the kind and very understanding people in the CAL 101, I was able to know that I do have to grade to get in Art Studies. I am just so excited. 3 sems (or less) and I can have more time to sleep and drink. hehe.


today was a near hit too. don't ask.